Elephant Man Mania!

So, I'm right in the middle of the final week of rehearsals for the Elephant Man. I won't lie to you, rehearsals have been tough at times. There has been many a night when I walked in the door downtrodden and discouraged. Never having done percussion before this has been quite the learning experience. If I didn't have a full appreciation for the drummers of the world before this play I certainly do now. Seriously, drummers, how do you do it: do two, even three, perhaps exponentially more things all at the same time!? Dang! It's so hard!
Other than the drumming, my roles in the play aren't really that big, but they are pretty fun. I get to be a cockney hospital porter who gets fired, a stuffy english doctor, and a Belgian policeman with a fun accent. As far as the percussion goes, along with the glockenspiel, I'll be banging on a decrepit drum, crashing on a cymbal attached to my arm, trilling on a few drum-topped tambourines, and playing a classy Casio mini keyboard (this will be off-stage seeing as it's got neon orange and look like it's from 1982). I've also got a fine collection of mallets and sticks to play around with. I keep all of my smaller percussive bits (which sounds much more risque than I would have imagined) in a lovely tool belt (which, if you ask me doesn't look the least bit 1880's Victorian London. It looks more like Home Depot 1995). It's good times.
Random Elephant Man Fact of the Week: David Bowie played the title role in the 1980 American Tour.

This is the best picture ever.
I can't believe we open in a week!
Posted by Ryan 10/13/05
David Bowie. Wow. I think they should tour that show again and have it star Donnie Wahlberg. Oh yeah.
Ryan... I just read this entry. All the percussion sounds fun. There's a certain pleasure to being able to successfully hit four things at once (or semi-successfully, in my case). Hope the percussing goes well!
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