Jive Turkey

"Why are you cooking a TURKEY?" they exclaim, pronouncing "turkey" as if they were saying "hamster" instead.
"Because it's delicious." I reply.
At that point the conversation doesn't usually go on incredibly long. Mostly because talking turkey isn't the most interesting thing in the world (blogging about turkey however...).
The two turkeys I made here in Vancouver were for Pacific Theatre events. The first on back in early December was for a belated American Thanksgiving. The actual American Thanksgiving passed us by and by the time early December rolled around I felt it would be an injustice to get all geared up for Christmas without the requisite Turkey bash to celebrate giving thanks before we geared up for Yule time fun.
The first one went so well that when Spring rolled around a friend of mine bought a turkey in the hopes of having another fowl par-tay to celebrate a belated Easter. We finally got around to it last week so it turned out to be a really belated Easter but it was festive and fun.
Last night Jacqui and I went for a walk on the beach and I asked her, "What are some of your favorite memories from this year in Vancouver?" She told me a few and then asked me mine. The turkey dinners immediately came to mind. It's funny what sticks with you.
Now I want turkey.
And me without a roasting pan!
Those Turkey Days are some of my favourite PT memories too.
I think turkey is appropriate anytime!!! And on Thanksgiving it's ideal.....well who can ever think of Thanksgiving without turkey....and do check out this amazing Thanksgiving Blog for more fun and facts on Thanksgiving and of course Turkey!!!!
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