Monday, June 09, 2008

72 POUNDS of Strawberries!

Yesterday along with a dozen friends Jacqui and I helped pick 72 pounds of strawberries from a nearby farm. It was humid, hot and a lot of fun. With all the nimble hands helping out we picked our pecks in just over an hour!

When we went for our weigh in at the cash register it felt like some surreal reality TV show. Depending on the weight each box of strawberries weighed was greeted with wild cheers or mild disappointment when the measurements were announced. I don't think they get many people that excited about the strawberries they pick out at the Circle S Farms.

When she saw our enthusiasm the lady helping tally our bill got in on the fun and asked if she could take our picture for their website (stay tuned to

After our picking frenzy we headed to the Dekker's House to make about 10 gallons of delicious homemade jam. Is there anything better than that?


At 11:17 AM, July 28, 2008, Blogger A blog about... said...

just curious, what was the bill for 72 pounds of strawberries?


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